Sarens Performs Maintenance work in Extreme Cold
Sarens performed main shaft repair work in Badamsha, Kazakhstan
April 2024

In the heart of Badamsha, Kazakhstan, where the biting cold weather can be unforgiving, Sarens took on the task of executing a main shaft repair project for GE, a giant in the field of technology and innovation in the wind sector.

The project, situated in the picturesque Badamsha Village, posed unique challenges that demanded both expertise and resilience from the Sarens team.

To tackle the complexities of repairing the main shaft of the wind turbine, Sarens deployed an LR 1600, Tadano ATF 130 G, and Grove RT 890 E. Each piece of machinery was meticulously selected to ensure optimal performance in the challenging conditions of Badamsha. The LR 1600-2, configured with SL3F 90+12m, played a pivotal role in the project, showcasing its versatility and power as it maneuvered through the icy terrain with precision and ease. Supported by the K 2502 configuration, the LR 1600-2 proved to be a reliable ally in the intricate task of main shaft repair and safely executed the repair in the stipulated timeline.

Sarens Site Manager Alibek Tokayev adds, “Climate was our main challenge during the de-erection work. Fighting the extreme cold, our team managed to work relentlessly and perform the work safely.”