Sarens Completes Rooftop Support Project in Canada
In a short rental project, Sarens assists in the installation of roof top support material in Toronto, Canada
May 2024

On May 13, 2024, Sarens successfully completed a crucial rooftop support project for YMCA Toronto at 87 Elm Street. The project aimed to lift roofing materials and install safety railings and other miscellaneous safety equipment to enhance safety for maintenance personnel in a geared-to-income housing complex.

The project was a one-day operation, focused on improving safety measures for maintenance personnel working in the housing complex. It involved lifting materials to a height of 167 feet, with the load weighing 1,250 lbs. and a radius of 126 feet. Sarens was chosen for this project due to our impeccable safety record and excellent customer service.

During the planning phase, Sarens coordinated with the nearby Toronto Children's Hospital. The project required approval from the hospital administration to ensure minimal disruption to hospital operations.

The LTM 1070 4.2 was selected for its size and reach, which made it ideal for the project requirements. It was equipped with a full MB and a 31-foot jib, ensuring it could handle the height and weight specifications of the lift.

One of the primary challenges of the project was traffic control for the emergency hospital parking area. Ensuring that emergency vehicles could access the hospital without interruption was critical. The crane was operational at the job site for a total of eight hours, from setup to completion.

Sarens successfully completed the rooftop support project on schedule, demonstrating our expertise in handling complex lifts addressing urban requirements.