At Sarens, we’re involved in a sphere of activities that reflect our commitment to the environment, our society, and principles of corporate governance. Below are our proudest achievements and highlights related to our many environmental, social, and corporate initiatives.
- Launching the Sarens Sustainability Accelerator // At the forefront of the energy transition, the Sarens Sustainability Accelerator is bringing the world smarter engineering solutions, cleaner opportunities, and game-changing innovations that are transforming the offshore/onshore wind and clean energy sectors.
- Building the World’s First Green Giant Crane // Our innovative SGC-90 giant crane can connect to the electric grid and even produce its own energy. Designed and built entirely in-house, the SGC-90 is extremely silent, emits no exhaust, and poses no oil contamination hazards.
- Earning Valuable EcoVadis Recognition // Sarens has successfully improved its EcoVadis score from 42 to 56 out of 100, placing the company in the 62nd percentile. This significant enhancement demonstrates that we are actively committed to sustainability and are making progress in line with our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) objectives. #Sarensgoesgreen
- Investing in New Hybrid Cranes // All of the new cranes purchased for our fleet are either hybrid or equipped with engines compliant with the latest emissions standards.
- Prioritising Low-Emissions Technology // We actively choose cranes with the latest low-emissions technology, and have added over 80 all-terrain cranes that meet the latest EUROMOT Stage V standards.
- Building a Greener Fleet of Trucks // Each new truck to join our European fleet complies with the latest EURO 6 emissions standards. We’re steadily building a more sustainable fleet as we replace older, higher-polluting equipment.
- Championing E-Packs for New Cranes // Sarens is incentivising manufacturers to offer electrical options for new cranes and to offer retrofit conversions for larger crawler cranes.
- Researching Electric SPMT Power Packs // Research is currently underway for a new SPMT E-PPU option.
- Creating Sustainable Wind Energy Partnerships // Sarens has created valuable alliances with World Forum Offshore Wind on floating offshore wind (FLOW) projects; PSG Marine and Logistics Ltd. to service the offshore wind market in Scotland; and Tugdock to service the FLOAT offshore wind market.
- Partnering on Zero-Emissions Projects // Sarens is partnering in Small Modular Reactor (SMR) technology to engage in clean nuclear energy projects across the United States.
- Advancing the Energy Transition // A significant volume of our work today is with clients in offshore/onshore wind, nuclear, and hydrogen. So far we have installed over 1.000 wind turbines on solid ground and continue to do more each day.
- Protecting Marine Life // To protect marine ecosystems everywhere we operate, Sarens is switching to biodegradable oil for all barge hydraulic systems. All ballasting systems are being converted to use Biohydran TMP hydraulic fluid, which contains none of the harmful zinc used in commercial hydraulic oils.
- Powering our Offices with Solar // Our Belgian headquarters boasts over 3.000 solar panels and is setting a precedent for further solar energy installations at our offices across Europe and beyond.
- Promoting Recycling and Responsible Waste Management // All Sarens offices are part of our worldwide recycling initiative, which includes compact recycling bins designed to sort waste, as well as sustainable waste management policies.
- Building a Sustainable Culture // All of our employees are encouraged to make wiser choices in the course of their workday, from using old paper as scratch paper to reusing mugs throughout the day. We also publish stickers, provide toolboxes to share energy-saving tips, and discuss environmental awareness and energy-saving strategies during staff training, building a culture that cares about sustainability.
- Providing Bike Parking // Our offices boast bike parking for all employees who choose this zero-emissions commuting option.
- Reducing Electric Consumption // Our energy-saving activities span the world. We have replaced traditional light bulbs and fluorescent lamps with LED lighting; added movement detection lighting at some crane parking sites; and actively encouraged offices to power off lights, idle machinery, and air conditioning when not in use.
- Safely Storing Chemicals // We are serious about protecting the environment and preventing chemical spills, which is why we provide special containers with built-in drip trays to store liquid chemicals in many of our warehouses and workshops.
- Leading the Way with Sarens Women+ // As the first women-focused publication in the heavy lifting industry, Sarens Women+ is leading the conversation around women’s rights and roles in the workplace and beyond–and making our industry more diverse and inclusive.
- Embracing Diversity, Equal Opportunity, & Non-Discrimination // Sarens is proud to hire employees from all backgrounds. We boast a truly international team that spans the globe and comprises professionals from over 80 nationalities. We hire and treat employees without discrimination based on gender identity or expression, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, nationality, political opinion, union affiliation, veteran status, and social or ethnic origin.
- Promoting Education & Training Opportunities // Sarens is bringing people up through education and training around the world, from developing a free training centre for riggers and crane operators in Kazakhstan to cooperating with a Polish technical high school to provide practical training in heavy machinery mechanics.
- Making a Difference in Our Communities // We have a strong culture of giving back to our local communities, whether it’s providing financial support for sport and recreational facilities in Poland, fundraising to help a drought-stricken community in Australia, or organising activities, lunches, and services for an orphanage in Delhi. Wherever we are in the world, Sarens is dedicating our talent, energy, and resources to help our communities thrive.
- Upholding Human Rights // We respect internationally-proclaimed human rights and are constantly working to ensure we are not complicit in human rights abuses. We expect all employees to conduct business in an ethical manner, and do not tolerate any form of forced, compulsory, or child labour.
- Standing Against Corruption // We have a strict Code of Conduct in place and are committed to responsible conduct in how we exchange gifts, entertain and handle business payments, conduct business across borders, and safeguard client privacy. Sarens has established channels for whistleblowers to report fraud or bribery, as well as to raise concerns about Code of Conduct and ethics violations.
- Promoting Respect for People // Our core value of Respect for People is our guiding light, and we do not tolerate sexual, racial, or other types of harassment and discrimination, nor offensive behaviour of any kind.
Addressing Economic Boycotts, Anti-Boycotts & Trade with Sensitive Countries // Conducting business across borders, we are careful to address boycotts, anti-boycotts, and issues with potentially sensitive countries. We have a global policy on trade with potentially sensitive countries, ensuring we comply with all multinational laws regulating trade and investment, as well as foreign policy considerations.